Thursday, November 23, 2006

Guest Blogger: Jacob Ashamock

Jacob Ashamock is a Northern College student in Fort Albany. He and his partner Kerry Bitternose are parents of a young son, Andre. Kerry is expecting again any day now. Here he passes along the wisdom he has acquired as a young parent.

For somone who is about to become a parent for the first time, I would advise them to prepare themselves for major changes. Changes like how time they spend at home, their priorities, and especially their sleeping habits.

People who like to go out will find out quickly that they'll have to stay home often with the mother and baby. The mother will need rest and help caring for the baby after carrying it for 9 months. It may take longer for some people to adjust to this kind of change.

Also, the importance of some priorities may change, but not always. When thinking about your priorities, you are now thinking of what's best for “your family”, not just “yourself”. Your priorities are, also, never eliminated. They've simply been set back, or aside, even though they seem to have been eliminated.

Finally, if getting a good night sleep is a priority, too bad. Sleeping habits are probably one of the major adjustments that will have to be made. When the baby sleeping, you should be sleeping, too. Even during the day.


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