Monday, August 11, 2008

Up is a Word

We are mildly concerned that little Jonas hasn’t started using words yet. He’s not quite two yet, but what we’re parents so we can’t help but worry. However, we were encouraged tonight when he uttered what we believe was a word.

Here’s what happened:

The three of us were in our bedroom and Jonas was acting all goofy, running around the room, jumping up and down. Then he came over to the bed and wanted us to help him up. "Jonas can you say up," Christine asked him.

"Up," replied Jonas.

We were positively thrilled.

Truth be told he is also saying "ball." Last night he was given a ball by the very nice waitress at East Side Mario’s. We worked with him and eventually he said ball. Now when we say ball, he repeats it. He also associates ball with the actual ball. Everything seems to be happening so quickly. Hopefully more words are forthcoming.


Blogger Unknown said...

its hard not to be concerned about your own child.
He will start talking more soon.. then you will be wondering when you will get a moment's peace again. :P

WTG Jonas

9:06 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

As you know, I am the parent of a late-talker. Before two she pretty much stuck to "mama" "dada" "up" "more" and "no". That was about it. Even now at three she doesn't always talk in sentences and she mispronounces things all the time. Her vocabulary is diverse and she says new things every day but compared to other kids her age, she's still pretty far behind. We took her for a hearing test last week to make sure there was nothing wrong with her ears and when we kept pushing the surgeon on the whole speech delay issue he said, "Yeah, she's three. She won't be reciting Shakespearean soliloquy's any time soon." He reassured us that the speech development spectrum is very wide and that as long as by two they can follow instructions, easily identify objects when asked and make their needs and wants knowns (whether through talking, gesture or grunts!) there's usually not a lot to worry about.

I'm the queen of late-speaking paranoia and I can attest to the fact that worrying yourself over something that is probably nothing is wasted energy - energy that you need to chase a two-year-old!!

8:41 PM  

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