Monday, September 08, 2008

We need to talk

As some of you know, I have my very own home business. I don’t promote as much as I should, mostly because I am a very low-key, private kind of guy. Well that’s about to change.

You see, I believe EVERYONE should have their own home business. That’s right - everyone. Keep in mind that I’m a true skeptic at heart. I wouldn’t be promoting the benefits of a home business if I didn’t believe 100% that it can make a huge difference in everyone’s life.

Even if you never make a dime off your home business (which is almost impossible), the tax advantages alone are absolutely staggering. Just by running a home business, you can access $15,000-$20,000 in tax deductions every year. Suddenly, many of your household expenses become tax deducations. Depending on the tax bracket you’re in, it could mean an additional $5,000-$10,000 a year added to your tax return. I like to ask people: what would an extra $10,000 a year mean to you?

I take my reputation very seriously. Everything I do must be completely above board. I certainly don’t pressure people, or exaggerate the benefits of my business, or make promises I can’t deliver on. One thing is for sure: running a home business has changed my family’s life for the better. I’d be more than happy to show you how a home business can change your life.

We really do need to talk : -)


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