Monday, March 16, 2009

Today, I started a new job

Since leaving The Hockey News, I’ve bounced around a bit. I’ve been everything except an ivory dealer. Well, I recently accepted a position as an education counsellor with the Credit Counselling Services of Cochrane District. I will be conducting seminars about managing money - a very important topic in today´s tough times. This is a great opportunity for me - eventually I will become a certified credit counsellor and bankruptcy counsellor. I will be counselling people on how to manage their debt.

For those of you scoring at home, I still have three jobs. In addition to the new gig, I’ll still be writing my weekly hockey column and of course there is our health and wellness business that will keep me busy. It’s all good, though, because I still have plenty of time to spend with Jonas. Because the new job is so close to home, I can easily make it home for lunch. I don’t have to leave until 8:15, so I will still get Jonas up and eat breakfast with him. Hopefully I’ll be home by 4:45 most days. It’s a good situation for a working parent.

Christine is now on sick leave from her job. Our doctor suggested it’s best that she rest as much as possible in the three months leading up to delivery. Everything is fine, but the stress of 12 hour nursing shifts, many of them nights, is incredibly hard on the system. The silver lining is that Jonas will still have a parent at home with him. The little guy adjusted well to having me leave early this morning. He kept telling his mommy: "daddy go work." Tonight as we were tucking him in he said: "daddy go work again." It was very cute.


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