Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What Happened to Toronto?

This is Jeff again. I've decided to resume blogging again - mainly because it was a condition of Mike giving us a ride back to our hotel room from Martyn's wedding on Saturday night. Thanks for reading this Mike!

In the three days we spent in Toronto, I kept wondering if Torontonians have always been this annoying, or whether two years spent living in the middle of the bush has changed me. Probably a little from Column A, and a little from Column B. My biggest pet peeve continues to be the self-absorbed people who walk and talk on their cell phones with little regard to what is going on around them? Honestly, what did we as a society do before the advent of the mobile phone? Worse now, is the person who walks down a crowded sidewalk while texting - oblivious to everything going on around them. I can't tell you how many times I had to get out of the way of someone with their head buried in a PDA. This is enough to make me never want to leave Northern Ontario again. God, how old have I become?


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