Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Guest Blogger: Jacob Ashamock

Jacob Ashamock is a Northern College student in Fort Albany. He and his partner Kerry Bitternose are the parents two young children, Andre and Mispun.

Do you ever wonder why you are here on earth? Why do you think what you are thinking? Think about it. What is the purpose of each one’s individual existence? You know, when you are born, a whole new generation is born, too. If you were born 10 years ago, or 100 years ago, or even a thousand years ago, would your purpose of existence change? Yes, it probably would. What if, in WW2, Adolf Hitler had weapons of mass destruction? Do you think you’d be here if he did? Do you think there would be a Canada, a U.S., or whatever? No, because Hitler felt that his purpose was to make the world full of people with only blonde hair and blue eyes. Except him. Yep, it’s true. And that’s funny because Hitler had dark hair and dark eyes.


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